Batticaloa und Pasikuda

[h=1]A Day in Batticaloa | Sightseeing Sri Lanka's East Coast [/h]
Kattankudy | Muslim City in Sri Lanka?

Johnny FD

Kattankudy is a township near the city of Batticaloa on the eastern coast of Sri Lanka. The town is dominated by Muslims. It is said that Kattankudy is the most densely populated city in Sri Lanka with nearly 50,000 residents.

My First Time Ever in a Hindu Temple! | Sri Lanka

Johnny FD, 5 Sep 2020

This was an incredible experience being able to look inside a Hindu Temple and visit on such a perfect day where a celebration was happening. Regardless of what religion you are, it's a beautiful experience and the architecture and sculptures are stunning. Yesterday I visited a Buddhist temple in Pottuvil, and today a Hindu Temple in Kaluwanchikudy.

Location: Kompu Chandhi Pilaiyar Temple, Sri Lanka

Link Location: Google Maps