Buddhist monks are taking the law



'Extremist Buddhist monks are taking the law into their hands': Federation of Saiva Hindu Temples (UK)

23 July 2019

"We note with considerable concern that extremist Buddhist monks are taking the law into their hands and undermining the very constitutional safeguards to illegally construct a Buddhist shrine by destroying a popular Hindu temple for Ganesha in the land owned by Hindus in Kanniya in Trincomalee with the backing of the exclusively Buddhist Archaeological Department," said the statement released on Sunday.

Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com

Tamils protest Kanniya Hindu temple destruction despite Sinhalese assaults and security force obstructions

17 July 2019

Hundreds of Tamils from across the North-East travelled to Kanniya in Trincomalee to protest the destruction of a Hindu temple to make way for a Buddhist vihara. Several protesters were obstructed and blocked en route by Sri Lankan army and police, while some were assaulted by Sinhalese as security forces watched on.

Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com
Religiöser Dialog sieht anders aus. Die Extremisten unterlassen ihre Hetze nicht, denn egal was passiert, die Begnadigung ist ihnen gewiss.
Im Osten habe ich einige sehr alte buddhistische Tempel gesehen. Es gibt sicher auch noch genügend unentdeckte. Da hat das Buddhist Archaeological Department genug Arbeit (Entdeckung, Rekonstruktion).

Warum müssen aber unbedingt so viele neue gebaut werden? Warum auch noch neben oder auf Ruinen von Hindutempeln?. Das sind doch wieder Nadelstiche gegen .......
Haben Religionsgemeinschaften schon einmal Rücksicht geübt? :gruebel:
Wenn, dann ist es mir entgangen.