Iranian Navy fleet docks in Sri Lanka's Colombo Port


Betreiber des SLB
24. Juli 2005
Iranian Navy fleet docks in Sri Lanka's Colombo Port

The 24th fleet of Iran's Navy, currently sailing through international waters, docked at Sri Lanka's Colombo Port on Thursday, Iran news agency reported.
The 24th fleet of the Navy, comprising Sabalan destroyer and Kharg helicopter carrier, docked in Colombo after patrolling Southeast Asia's Strait of Malacca and successfully conducting its mission in the Indian and Pacific oceans, Commander of the 24th fleet of Iran's Navy, Capitan Seyyed Omid Golestaneh, said.
The flotilla of warships, which left Iran's southern Bandar Abbas on January 20 conveys the message of peace and friendship to regional countries, Eastern and Southeastern Asian states in particular, the Commander said.
The fleet of warships docked in Zhangjiagang port in China on March 4 after sailing 13,000 kilometers in 40 days.

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ups, da hat man sich doch wohl hoffentlich nicht die falsche Freunde angelacht?
Ayathollas als Freunde... Die Mullahs wären die ersten, die in Sri Lanka gleich mal alle buddhistischen Bauwerke schleifen lassen würden.