Navam Perahera 2017

Pak Bahasa

2. Feb. 2011
13 striking pictures of Sri Lanka's Navam Perahera Festival
By Multimedia Desk

Published: February 11, 2017

Monks, drummers, fire stuntmen, dancers and some 50 trained elephants, mostly from central part of the island, thronged into Colombo from various regions of Sri Lanka to participate in the city’s biggest two day annual Buddhist procession known as Navam Perahera ‘street pageant’ starting from February 9 and 10, which was first held in 1979.

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Navam Maha Perehara - Gangaramaya Temple

Veröffentlicht am 31.01.2017

Whips crack, drums beat and dancers twirl like a blur of colour. The Gangaramaya Navam Maha Perahera enlivens Colombo. It is a grand spectacle that binds all cultures and communities.

The Navam Perahera is on February 9 and 10, 2017

Performers getting ready for the Navam Perahera

Veröffentlicht am 10.02.2017

Performers of the Navam Perahera prepare for the evenings pageant while relating glimpses of its history.

Baile, tambores y tradición para venerar la reliquia
de un colmillo en Sri Lanka

Veröffentlicht am 09.02.2017

Colombo (Sri Lanka), 9 feb (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Pushpa Kumara) Miles de personas participan hoy en el Navam Perahera, un festival religioso que toma toda la ciudad con procesiones, bailes y tambores, una de las celebraciones más conocidas y tradicionales del país.

Desde 1979, el templo Gangaramaya organiza un desfile multitudinario en el que diversos artistas muestran sus habilidades, al paso de elefantes ricamente decorados con tapices de colores, que acompañan a comparsas de baile, tambores y música que brillan en sus trajes tradicionales.

Bailarines enmascarados y vestidos con atuendos regionales típicos muestran también sus habilidades no sólo en la danza sino también en las acrobacias, que preceden al desfile de monjes que portan banderas y antorchas, que cierran la procesión, junto al paso de la reliquia del colmillo de un elefante, que se venera en este templo.
The Gangaramaya Navam Perahera

February 2017


he environs of Navam Mawatha come alive with the sounds of drums and colourful lights. Crowds gather in large numbers as majestic elephants and dancers parade the streets. It is a celebration of culture and spirituality and has been a highlight of the February calendar since 1979. The Navam Maha Perahera will take centre stage in the spirit of peace, harmony and unity.


Quelle + kompletter Artikel:
Navam Perahera: The Spectacular Pageant in the City

February 2017


Religion and culture combine to parade the city streets in Colombo's annual Navam Perahera under the February full moon. A look at the vivid pageantry as the procession gets ready for the 38th year.


Quelle + kompletter Artikel: - Serendib, Boardmagazin Sri Lankan Airlines
Navam Maha Perahera

Whips crack, drums beat and dancers twirl like a blur of colour. The Gangaramaya Navam Maha Perahera enlivens Colombo. It is a grand spectacle that binds all cultures and communities.


In Sri Lanka religious faith and fervor manifests in a great display of colour, dance, music and pageantry. This impressive show that salvages millennia-old cultural expressions is called the Perahera. The Gangaramaya Navam Maha Perahera is one that glows through inclusivity and a proud display of diversity.


Quelle + kompletter Artikel: - TimeOut Sri Lanka
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