Saveriya Church bei Point Pedro

அல்வாய் ( சக்கோட்டை)

Alwai (Chakkottai)

புனித சவேரியார் ஆலயம்

St. Saviour's Temple

At the end of the Hollander era, the Catholic Temple was built about 2 kilometers south of the coast at Alvai. It is the sacred Savior of Chakotay. The temple is still in ruins today.

Übersetzung (TA -> EN): Google Translate

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பழைய வேதக் கோயில் அல்வாய்

Old church in Sakoddai Alvai

Link, u.a. Fotos: suvaithacinema

Zitat aus dem Artikel (mit Google übersetzt):

The old Vedic temple has been declared a protected area by the Archaeological Department.

The wide limestone walls are beautifully built and can still be seen today.