The Horror’s Of Xmas


Betreiber des SLB
24. Juli 2005
The Horror’s Of Xmas


With Christmas around the corner, Colombo has been graced by the presence of St. Nick. At shopping malls, hotel lobbies, and even on the side of the road you would have spotted Santas waving at you, some a little too enthusiastically.
The Sunday Leader took to the streets of Colombo to catch Santa Claus in his many incarnations.
At the Thimbirigasaya traffic lights, we came across the fabled “gyrating” Santa who waves at every passer-by. He was amicable, and though dark-skinned he had applied talc. This Santa has been received rather well, although some complain that his hips move a little too much for an old man. And some find the waving a tad creepy.

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