Tourism to Sri Lanka - Sicherheitshinweise


26. Juli 2005
It has been said by some that there is no place more beautiful than the island of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is an amazing oasis filled with culture, history, and rare wildlife that can be found no where else in the world. It would seem that Sri Lanka would be the ideal place for travel, adventure, and excitement, but unfortunately there may be more excitement than you are expecting.

Sri Lanka has been plagued with a civil war over the last two decades that has left more than 150,000 people dead throughout the country. In recent months, this war has escalated to tremendous proportions, leaving no area of Sri Lanka untouched. As different parties vie for control in the fighting, many times civilians and tourists get caught in the cross fire, resulting in many unfortunate deaths.

The Government of Sri Lanka feels the need to inform you that it cannot guarantee your safety at any time when you are within our country. The daily violence that has been going on for years is beyond the control of the government, so you will be expected to fend for yourselves.

Due to the long term fighting, common daily needs such as food and medicine are banned from some parts of the country. If you are thinking of coming as part of our weight loss program, the atmosphere will be very conducive. In the event you contract some sickness, we hope you would have packed a first aid kit, as you will not find proper medical treatment throughout the island. When carrying your first aid kit, be sure to keep it well hidden, as people have been known to kill to get the precious medicines.

When traveling in Sri Lanka, the best policy is, "Don't Touch." If one fails to heed this common slogan, one will be faced with the possibility of contracting one of the many deadly diseases so common on our soil. Sri Lanka is one of the fastest spreading grounds for such diseases as Aids, Hepatitis, Malaria, etc. This is partly due to the high rate of child prostitution around our tourist centers and due to the many pedophilia rings operating within our country. Sri Lanka has an estimated 50,000 children working in pedophilia rings, one of the highest rates in the world.

Another disturbance faced by many tourists is the tremendous amount of crime present within Sri Lanka. This is mostly due to the huge numbers of deserters from the military. With no opportunity to earn an income, these ex-soldiers make use of their military training to take to crime and violence. When confronting such persons one should give them what ever they ask for, as they are quite ruthless and have been known to kill people for only a few rupees. The Sunday Times (29th July 2001 )

Taking all this into consideration, We would humbly suggest one reconsider his trip to the island of Sri Lanka at the present time. Perhaps a trip to the Southern tip of India will be more what your looking for. There the climate is the same, but the dangers are not present. Regardless of your decision, keep in mind these few warnings when you decide your next vacation.

The danger zones !

"...The threat to life and limb in a war zone or a country known for acts of election violence may discourage even the most courageous travelers. Fortunately, the Internet allows you to surf the dangerous nations of the world without having to leave the safety of your den..."
- World News

"...In Sri Lanka, the most serious danger is more a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There have been several cases of politically inspired bomb blasts, not only in the Tamil areas of the north but also in Colombo itself. There's not really many ways to avoid this...."
- Safety in Sri Lanka

hallo sandra!

mir fällt auf,das du keine quelle benennst für deinen bericht! es hört sich ziemlich offiziell an,aber kann ja eigentlich nicht vom sl tourist board oder so kommen,da die sicher nicht vorschlagen,statt nach sl zu kommen,doch lieber süd indien zu bereisen.

für mich hat dieser bericht,zumal ohne quellenangabe,eher bildzeitungsniveau.

also sei so lieb,und reiche uns doch die quelle nach,damit wir wissen aus welcher feder diese perlen der information stammen!


soweit so gut...............

aber so wie ich es auf dieser seite verstehe,ist der beitrag von 2001? ausserdem ,wie kommt eine ganz klar pro tamil seite dazu,solche sprüche wie "die regierung sieht sich gezwungen,sie " bla bla und so weiter.. zu palzieren? damit hört sich das doch ganz hochoffiziell an,dabei ist es die sehr spezifische meinung einer kanadischen tamil webseite,noch dazu von vor 5 jahren!

oder habe ich da irgendetwas falsch verstanden? dann bitte ich um aufkärung!

sorry,wenn ich da nicht locker lasse,aber ich finde ,bei den informationen die wir hier der allgemeinheit zugänglich machen,sollte mann schon hinterfragen dürfen, was der verfasser sich dabei gedacht hat. und für mich macht es da doch schon einen unterschied,ob ein solcher bericht wie oben von dir gepostet,von einer offiziellen regierungsseite stammt,oder von der hp einer tamilischen splittergruppe aus kanada.



dieser Bericht ist sehr aktuell - die Seite gibt es einfach schon ewig lange. Und das Statement wurde 2001 gemacht - heisst aber nicht das der Bericht von 2001 ist. Zumal im 2001 bzw Anfang 2002 der Waffenstillstand unterschrieben wurde.

Diver, ich hab den Bericht eigentlich nicht eingestellt um damit aufzuzeigen wie gefährlich Sri Lanka ist, oder wie pro-Tamil ich eingestellt bin, sondern dieser Artikel enthält nicht nur einen Punkt sondern viele Punkte, die man(n) sich als (NEU)-Tourist in Sri Lanka zu Herzen nehmen sollte.

Also, weder pro-tamil noch Touristenfeindlich noch sonst was . . . denk was du willst, ich finde den Artikel mehr als treffend und auch sehr gut. Vor allem wenn es Leute gibt, die nicht recht wissen wie und was . . .