Ferry service between India and Sri Lanka from next month

Pak Bahasa

2. Feb. 2011

Ferry service between India and Sri Lanka from next month​

Sun, Dec 18, 2022, 11:41 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.​

Dec 18, Colombo: Arrangements have been made to start a passenger ferry service between India and Sri Lanka from next month. Ports, Shipping and Civil Aviation Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva has said.
The Minister said as the initial step, it is planned to start passenger ferry services between Kankesanthurai and Pondicherry in South India in mid-January 2023.
The Minister also said that passenger transport services will be started from South India to Trincomalee and Colombo.
He pointed out that till now no firm conclusion has been reached about starting the ferry service between Thalaimannar and India and this step has been taken on the demand of the people.


KKS - Puducherry ferry service to resume next month

DailyFT, 13 Dec 2022

Steps have been taken to start a ferry service between South India, Kankesanthurai (KKS), Trincomalee and the Port of Colombo.

India, Sri Lanka to start passenger ferry service between Puducherry, Kankesanthurai port in Jaffna district next month​

19-12-2022 | 12:48 pm

The ferry service will connect the Kankesanthurai port in Jaffna district and Puducherry. Sri Lanka’s Ports and Shipping minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said that the Indian government had extended consent for the service. The passenger ferry service is likely to boost the tourism sector as well as strengthen the cultural ties between the two countries.

The service is being started in view of several demands to improve connectivity. Sri Lanka’s Ports and Shipping minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said that services will also be started from Southern India to Trincomalee and Colombo in Sri Lanka. The minister has asked the officials to develop infrastructure related to customs, immigration and emigration, and other facilities at the Sri Lankan ports. The vessels under the new service will carry 300 to 400 passengers on a trip that would take about three and half hours.

Ferry owners suggested that they would have to charge 60 dollars equivalent to 5,000 rupees per passenger for a single journey and that each passenger could carry up to 100 kg of luggage.

Ich frage mich seit vielen Jahren, warum die Fährverbindung zwischen Thalaimannar (Sri Lanka) und Rameswaram (Indien) nicht wieder aufgenommen wird. Diese existierte bis 1983 und wurde dann wegen dem Krieg eingestellt. Beide Orte haben Anschluss ans Eisenbahnnetz. Alle anderen Fährverbindungen sind länger.

Indo-Lanka passenger ferry service will start from March​

Mon, Jan 2, 2023, 12:50 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.​

Jan 01, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government has decided to start the passenger ferry service between India and Sri Lanka’s Kankesanthurai from next March, state-run newspaper Silumina said.
According to the instructions given by President Ranil Wickremesinghe to the President’s Secretary Saman Ekanayake, the preliminary discussions have already started in Colombo.
Diplomatic level discussions have been held in this regard with the State Government of Tamil Nadu.
Discussions have focuesd on whether this ferry service will use the route from the old Ramayana or the route that Sanghamitta Theraniya came to this country.
Minister of Ports, Shipping and Civil Aviation Nimal Siripala de Silva earlier last month arrangements have been made to start a passenger ferry service between India and Sri Lanka from this month.
The Minister said as the initial step, it is planned to start passenger ferry services between Kankesanthurai and Pondicherry in South India in mid-January 2023.

Indo-Lanka passenger ferry service will start from March

Ende nächsten Monats soll es nun endlich soweit sein.

Eine Passagierfähre zwischen Kankesanthurai (KKS), Jaffna und Tamil Nadu in Indien wird bis Ende nächsten Monats gestartet, sagte der Minister für Häfen, Schifffahrt und Luftfahrt, Nimal Siripala de Silva, der Sunday Times.

Er sagte, dass Sri Lanka nur den Fährdienst erleichtern würde und von den indischen Behörden abgewickelt würde.

Minister de Silva sagte, dass mehr als 100 Millionen Rupien für den Bau des Zoll- und Einwanderungsbereichs einschließlich Lagereinrichtungen und anderer Vorkehrungen für ein- und ausgehende Passagiere von KKS ausgegeben worden seien.

Er sagte, dass die Fähre zunächst 120 Passagiere gleichzeitig befördern wird, mit nur einer Fahrt pro Tag von und nach KKS. Er sagte jedoch, dass der Service erweitert werden würde.

Eine Reise (in beide Richtungen) würde indische Rs 9.000 (SLRS 37.000) kosten und ein Passagier könnte bis zu maximal 100 Kilogramm Gepäck tragen.

Ein Sprecher der indischen Hochkommission sagte, Indien sei daran interessiert, den Fährdienst zwischen den beiden Ländern bald wieder aufzunehmen.

Der Fährdienst zwischen den beiden Ländern verkehrte zuvor zwischen Talaimannar und Rameshwaram, wurde aber 1981 eingestellt.

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Zuerst einmal vielen Dank für die Ergänzung. Ich hatte mir keine Zeit genommen um lange zu suchen.

Die oben zitierte Webseite sollte nur zeigen, es gibt ein e-Visum für Indien. Natürlich geht man, wie auch für SL, auf die offizielle Seite.

Sri Lanka Navy constructs passenger terminal for new ferry service between Sri Lanka and India​

Wed, Apr 12, 2023, 09:50 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.​

Apr 12, Colombo: The government has launched a project for a passenger ferry service between the port of Kankesanthurai, Sri Lanka and Pondicherry, India to provide a more affordable and convenient mode of transportation.

In support of this project, the Sri Lanka Navy has commenced facility expansion of the Kankesanthurai harbor, with a view to accommodate more traffic and provide better infrastructure.

Following the directives of the Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, the Sri Lanka Navy is supporting the expansion of the Kankesanthurai harbor facility by enabling its manpower and expertise, in response to a request of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Aviation.


Restoring Ferry Service Will Rewrite History of India-Lanka Ties​

By Ceylon Today
April 22, 2023 2:00am

The ferry service between India and Sri Lanka, as well as railway connections, have all but vanished since the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries, and the use of a comfortable Singaporean passenger vessel ‘IndSri‘ to sail between Karikkal (KKL)Port in South India and Kankesanthurai (KKS) Port in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province next month (Mid-May), will rewrite the history of sea connections between Indo-Sri Lanka.

There was formerly a regular ferry service between India and Sri Lanka that served as an important mode of transportation for both people and cargo. However, with the collapse of the British Raj, severe cyclonic weather, and the civil war in Sri Lanka that began in 1983, the train and boat service was eventually rendered obsolete.
