Friday Circle


Betreiber des SLB
24. Juli 2005
im hotel siam view findet jeden freitag ein meeting über die momentane lage und zukunft von arugam statt.
wir haben heute daran teil genommen und fanden die aussagen von herrn m. jaufar ( approved by tourist board ) teilweise recht interessant.

geplant sind von der tourismusbranche nun wirklich hotels der oberen klasse mit luxus pur.

ob das im sinne der menschen , touristen usw... ist,bleibt fraglich.
es wurden einige themen abgearbeitet , um den tourismus gerade an der ostküste zu beleben.

so werden weiterhin sponsoren für projekte gesucht, wie z.b. einen dringend notwendigen kleinbus.

geplant wird weiterhin eine kleines museum zum andenken an die opfer des tsunami sowie ein memorial mit einer zum zeitpunkt des tsunami stehen gebliebenen uhr...
hier von fred netzeband-miller eine zusammenfassung die per mail an die teilnehmer des "friday circle" ging:

The first meeting of 2006 was a small gathering as expected.
However, some progress was made.
Below is a brief summary:

The FridayCircle is happy to welcome Mr. Jaufer of Arugam Bay Tours & Travel

Haenschen, Biggi, Petra are German Visitors with a special SL interest and an own web site
In a modern way they represent the press due to their internet presentations and support for us

Also present was Wolfgang, Fred, Somlak and chair lady Marian.
Mr. Jaufer gave is CV and the circle was impressed with his wide experience. Hopefully some of these local connections will benefit the Community. It is recognised that Mr. Jaufer has done a lot in the past already to promote Arugam Bay and he will continue to do so.
The role of theSri Lanka Tourist Board was explained. Approval indicates a clean, well run establishment

Critics say it is inactive, expensive and no support has been given to the only 4 registered Hotel in the area.
One should address the negative publicity regarding security as this puts visitors off the idea to visit Arugam Bay
The Tourist Board will inspect a site nr. Panama on Mo. 9th Jan. and might by pass Arugam Bay
The Friday Circle wishes to formally invite the Tourist Board to any of our meetings; there is much to discuss
Community based decisions is one main aspect, often totally overlooked maybe

In conclusion Mr. Jaufer agreed to look into the following matter and he will report his findings in the next meeting due 13th January, 2006:

Try to find out where to take solid waste to and by whom it can be transported/collected
What happened to the red tractor which was obtained for this purpose?
Invite Video people to film the beauty of the area with the view of a promotional CD/DVD production
Mr. Wolfgang will also take video sequences and we hope they will be spliced together

The result should be a souvenir CD of approx. 45 Minutes showing Arugam Bay, Yala, Lahugala in a neutral way
The airport information booth or counter is even more important now to act against misinformation and promote the area

The art and craft centre idea is well received and needs to be promoted

A small survey of visitors showed that a decent Tsunami Museum or Exhibition would be well received. It is after all history and just about every tourist asks about it. It must be done either FREE or on a donation only basis, without any pressure, begging or interference.

Then the idea about a memorial such as a clock or clock Tower stopped at 09:07 was discussed.
Marian and Mel will have a first job for the Art and Craft centre, maybe.
We are inviting gifted artists to come up with ideas.

Meeting started 16:20 and closed 18:00