Hartal in the North to protest government preventing death commemoration of Tamils died in the war

Pak Bahasa

2. Feb. 2011
Hartal in the North to protest government preventing death commemoration of Tamils died in the war

Sept 28, Colombo:
Steps have been taken to launch a Hartal in the Northern Province from this morning (28) to protest against the present government violating the rights of the Tamil people in the North.

According to a request made by several Tamil parties, including the Illankai Tamil Arusu Kachchi (ITAK) Party, to support the hartal being carried out today, traders have closed shops and private buses have suspended operations to show support.

more/source: http://www.colombopage.com/archive_20B/Sep28_1601274184CH.php

Hartal: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartal

Sri Lankan police attempt to break hartal by forcing shops to open
Die srilankische Polizei versucht, Hartal zu brechen, indem sie die Geschäfte zur Öffnung zwingt
28 September 2020
Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com

Ceylon Teachers Union endorses hartal
Ceylon Teachers Union unterstützt Hartal
28 September 2020
Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com

LTTE’s Lt Col Thileepan

33 years since Thileepan began fast unto death
33 Jahre seit Beginn von Thileepans Hunkerstreik
15 September 2020
Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com

Tamil political parties appeal to Gotabaya to allow Thileepan commemorative events to go ahead
Tamilische politische Parteien appellieren an Gotabaya, Thileepan Gedenkveranstaltungen zu ermöglichen
22 September 2020
Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com

Hunger strikes across Eelam as Tamils defiantly remember Thileepan
Hunkerstreik in ganz Eelam, als sich die Tamilen trotzig an Thileepan erinnern
26 September 2020
Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.tamilguardian.com
Hartal in North: Vavuniya normal
The people in the North today (28) staged a hartal in protest to the ban issued by the Northern Provincial courts banning the commemorating a former LTTE member Thileepan.