Construction work on Extension of Southern Expressway exceeding target - RDA

Pak Bahasa

2. Feb. 2011
Tue, Jul 3, 2018, 09:07 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. July 03, Colombo: Construction work on the first phase of the Extension of Southern Expressway (ESEP) from Matara to Hambantota including Expressway link to Mattala has exceeded its target, the Road Development Authority (RDA) says.
Construction of 96 km long four lane Expressway is split into four sections namely Matara - Beliatta (30km), Beliatta - Wetiya (26km), Wetiya - Andarawewa (15km) and Mattala - Hambantota via Andarawewa (25km).


Extension of Southern Expressway Project Sec-1 Matara to Beliatta Progress at End of February 2019

ESEP Section 1 Matara - Beliatta, Am 04.03.2019 veröffentlicht

Progress Video of Extension of Southern Expressway Project Section-1 Matara to Beliatta. Overall achieved physical progress of this Project as at the end of February 2018 is 88.89%. The project will be completed before end of the year 2019.
Southern Expressway extension from Matara to Hambanthota to open for public in August

Fri, Apr 19, 2019, 11:56 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Apr 19, Colombo: The extension of Southern Expressway from Matara to Hambanthota is scheduled to be vested with public by next August, a Road Development Authority official said.

Tolls for new extension of Southern Expressway gazetted
Sat, Feb 22, 2020, 10:35 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Feb 22, Colombo: Completing the Southern Expressway from Kottawa to Hambanthota, the newly constructed Godagama to Barawakumbuka section of the Expressway extension from Matara to Hambanthota will be opened to the public tomorrow (23). Arrangements have been made to hold the opening ceremony under the patronage of President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa near the Palatuwa entrance to the expressway.


Nach Fertigstellung der südlichen Schnellstraße von Kottawa nach Hambanthota wird der neu errichtete Abschnitt von Godagama nach Barawakumbuka der Schnellstraße von Matara nach Hambanthota morgen für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sein (23).
Es wurden Vorkehrungen getroffen, um die Eröffnungszeremonie unter der Schirmherrschaft von Präsident Gotabhaya Rajapaksa und Premierminister Mahinda Rajapaksa in der Nähe des Palatuwa-Eingangs zur Schnellstraße abzuhalten.
President opens Southern Expressway extension linking Colombo to Hambantota-Mattala for public
Sun, Feb 23, 2020, 09:22 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Feb 23, Colombo: President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa inaugurated the final stage of Southern Expressway- the extension from Palatuwa to Barawakumbuka, today (23). The Southern Expressway links the Mattala Airport and Hambantota Harbor to the Commercial Capital, Colombo.
After opening the road near Godagama, Palatuwa interchange, the President and Prime Minister travelled on the Southern Expressway from Palatuwa to Barawakumbuka.


Präsident Gotabaya Rajapaksa und Premierminister Mahinda Rajapaksa haben heute die letzte Etappe des Southern Expressway eingeweiht - die Verlängerung von Palatuwa nach Barawakumbuka (23). Der Southern Expressway verbindet den Flughafen Mattala und den Hafen von Hambantota mit der Handelshauptstadt Colombo.

Nachdem der Präsident und der Premierminister die Straße in der Nähe von Godagama, Palatuwa Interchange, geöffnet hatten, fuhren sie auf dem Southern Expressway von Palatuwa nach Barawakumbuka.
Bus services along extended southern expressway to begin tomorrow
Last phases of Southern Expressway extension to be opened on February 23