News vom 02.07.2006


26. Juli 2005
LTTE blames Rajapakse for Lankan situation
[ NDTV ] [ 03:54 GMT, Jul. 2, 2006 ]

The LTTE's chief negotiator Anton Balasingham has squarely laid the blame of the current situation in Sri Lanka on President Mahinda Rajapakse. In an interview to NDTV, Balasingham said the current 'low intensity war' is a result of the Lankan President's hardline stand. "If I have the opportunity to meet President Rajapakse, I would urge him to take concrete action to contain the excessiveness of the armed forces, to see that the armed forces are disciplined and not to allow the armed forces to commit extra-judicial killings," said Anton Balasingham, Chief Negotiator, LTTE.

'Undeclared' Jaffna war taking toll
[ AFP ] [ 03:57 GMT, Jul. 2, 2006 ]

ROADSIDE killings and night-time knocks on the door have replaced mortars and suicide bombs as the new terror in this northern Sri Lankan city. And it is increasingly the residents here who suffer, many say, as the government and Tamil separatist groups carry out a vicious "undeclared war" that targets civilians more than it does guerrillas or soldiers. "Anything can happen at any time," M. V. Kanamylnathan, chief editor of the Tamil-language newspaper Uthayan said from his offices.

Extortion racket by Karuna reported to MR
[ Sunday Leader ] [ 04:10 GMT, Jul. 2, 2006 ]

A senior politician linked to the government has recently made representations to President Mahinda Rajapakse regarding an extortion racket that is being carried out by the Karuna faction for several months. The said politician, whose name is being withheld for his own personal security, took two leading Tamil businessmen representing the gems and jewellery trade to Rajapakse. They explained to Rajapakse that millions of rupees have been extorted by the LTTE breakaway group from Tamil business people in Colombo, particularly those in the jewellery industry. The Sunday Leader reliably learns that there has been an abduction of another jeweller from his Wellawatte residence for repeatedly resisting demands for money by the extortionists. He had been released only a few days ago once the family paid Rs. 20 million to secure his safety.