Severe water crisis by 2030


Betreiber des SLB
24. Juli 2005
[h=3]Severe water crisis by 2030[/h]
By Niranjala Ariyawansha
Sri Lanka has arrived at a critical stage, where water security is concerned, as the country has no national policy pertaining to water security, the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Management warns.

The Ministry also warns that by 2030, the country will definitely face a severe water crisis.

Therefore, if the Government does not focus its attention on giving priority to managing water resources, when deciding on national requirements, the situation could become very much worse, Acting Additional Secretary (Water Resources Management) of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Management, Engineer S. M. D. L. K. de Alwis, told Ceylon Today.
He pointed out that the main reason for this is the demand for water increasing as a result of the growth of urbanisation and industrialisation.

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Da bleiben nur Wasseraufbereitsungsanlagen, um aus Salzwaaser Süsswasser zu machen.