Systematic Sinhalisation In The North?


Betreiber des SLB
24. Juli 2005
[h=1]Systematic Sinhalisation In The North?[/h]
A systematic attempt to ‘Sinhalise’ areas in the North, especially in Vavuniya is underway, opposition parties charge.
Members of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and even the Democratic People’s Front (DPF) said that in some instances Sinhalese families were being settled in predominantly Tamil areas with state support.
Meanwhile, the government claims that it is internally displaced Sinhalese who are being resettled in the Northern Province.
Sinhalese families being settled – TNA
TNA MP Suresh Premachandran said he had discovered evidence of Sinhalisation based on information collected from officials and residents during his visits to the Northern Province.

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Siehe auch den Bericht von der Asian Human Rights Commission:

"The government has made moves to acquire over 6381 acres of privately owned land in the Jaffna peninsula, which it says is for a public purpose...
...There is concern in the Northern polity that the purpose of this land acquisition is to change the demographic composition with settlers from outside being registered on the Northern electoral lists."
