Water capacity of Castlereagh and Maussakelle reservoirs drops further, power cuts expected

Pak Bahasa

2. Feb. 2011
Water capacity of Castlereagh and Maussakelle reservoirs drops further, power cuts expected

Feb 15, Colombo:
The water levels of thee Castlereagh and Maussakelle reservoirs which are the main sources of water for hydropower generation, have dropped further due to the prevailing dry weather conditions in the western slopes of the central highlands, the engineers in charge of the reservoirs said.

Castlereagh Reservoir Dam is 155 feet high and the water level has dropped to 118 feet while Maussakelle Reservoir dam is 120 feet and the water level had dropped to 75 feet by 6.00 am on the 15th, the engineers said.

Nachdem die Kraftwerke wegen fehlendem Kraftstoff und Defekten nicht voll genutzt werden können, ist das ein weiterer Nackenschlag. Bitter.