Newsletter aus Sri Lanka von Royston Ellis

Das wäre etwas...das müsste aber offiziell geschehen ev. durch Jöerg...
Paula, diesen Kommentar hab ich jetzt erst gesehen. Ich werde eine Einladung verschicken; glaube aber, dass der Aufwand für Royston dann doch zu hoch wäre. Aber wer weiß, bei den exklusiven Getränken die mittlerweile im Angebot sind... :-)
Joerg, das glaube ich auch das der Aufwand für Royston auch zu hoch wäre...aber wer weis?

LG Paula
Hallo Ihr,

Joerg, das glaube ich auch das der Aufwand für Royston auch zu hoch wäre...aber wer weis?

ich denke da eher dran, ihn mal zu einem Treffen in SL, so es sich hoffentlich wieder ergeben sollte, einzuladen. Würde ihn auch sehr gern mal persönlich kennenlernen.

Liebe Grüsse, Biggi
Royston hat über Facebook unter einem anderen Namen, Kontakt mit mir auf genommen und gefragt ob ich gerne einen privaten Newsletter von ihm möchte was ich sofort bejahte.

Möchte Euch alle bitten diese privaten Newsletter nicht weiter zugeben!!!!

Stelle sie hier wieder rein mit dem Einverständnis von Royston.
1 February 2018.
Dear Family & Friends:
Since I stopped two years ago sending my weekly newsletter to thousands of subscribers around the world, I have received several requests for me to start it again. I don’t intend to do that because I need competent cyber assistance to circulate it and that’s not easily available at my cottage retreat in Sri Lanka.
But I do plan to write a monthly email to family and close friends to keep you up to date with happenings in my idyllic piece of the world.

First news is that the idyllic piece is for sale! I need to downsize so I have put the property on the market. I expect a developer will buy the land (just under one acre, 3,200sq m), tear down the old bungalow, and build accommodation for tourists. Here’s a view of the beach in front of the cottage (beyond the railway line and the main road).

I shall move into a small chalet with a swimming pool that I am planning to build in the jungle garden of Neel’s house, 10 minutes walk inland.
More news: today, 1 February, Neel went by appointment into a private hospital in Galle (48km from here) for emergency heart bypass surgery. This follows his very serious heart attack just before Christmas. He should be back home on 9 February, in time for my birthday on Saturday 10 February.

Last year Neel and I enjoyed a lunch on my birthday at the Bandarawela Hotel in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It was a Full Moon (poya) day on which the sale of alcohol is prohibited, so we had to drink wine from tea cups. This year, the bars are again closed on my birthday as it is local council election day so I have started to stock up.


This is an unusual pre-birthday present: a coco-de-mer (double nutted coconut) from the Seychelles.
Until next month,
Warmest wishes
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1 March 2018
Dear Family & Friends:
February is a birthday month for me, not just my birthday but those of many friends as well. The best birthday present I ever had was when Neel was released from hospital that day (10 February) after his triple bypass heart operation. He is now coping with the boredom of slow recovery based on the veranda of his villa near Horizon Cottage.

The photos of my own birthday celebration are, unsurprisingly, too blurred to upload. About 10 of us gathered on my veranda around a few litres of whisky, a cornucopia of quail eggs from my birds, and piles of baked chicken legs and local cheese-and-chicken sausages. When I awoke next morning some guests were still here – on the couch and on the floor. Nothing changes even as I grow older.

Some uninvited guests in the tree house overlooking my garden and beach.
On the other hand, the birthday of Kanchana, the wife of Kumara (my house manager) on 17 February was celebrated with a little more decorum, at Pier 88 Restaurant in Aluthgama. Beside the Bentota River and behind the Nebula Supermarket, this is the best local restaurant on the west coast.

With Kumara, his wife Kanchana and their two children, Sasindu and Denuli.
My award-winning AP photographer pal, Gemunu, helped me celebrate my birthday but I couldn’t join him for his on 25 February in Bangkok where he is based. However, I did toast Kumara on his birthday, 26 February, with lashings of gin and a feast of wild boar, mixed fried rice and prawn curry for lunch in the riverside garden of the Time Out restaurant.

Kumara with his son, wife and daughter and father in the background.

Indian Summer
This is the evocative name of an upmarket new restaurant that has opened in Beruwala, about 10kms north of Horizon Cottage. I reviewed it on Tripadvisor after relishing the mutton biryani and plump lamb samosas with Gemunu during his visit.

Cliff Richard
Last month I received an invitation from a UK television company to appear in a documentary about Cliff Richard. Of course, I accepted, while pointing out that I live in Sri Lanka. The rather ungracious reply was that the programme’s budget only permitted interviews in London. There was no offer of airfare, accommodation and a fee, so no me on TV. However, I’ve done that before, see:

My favourite cartoonist: Harry Bliss (Click on it to make it larger)

I know the feeling.
Horizon Sale
The month wasn’t entirely eating and drinking. Possible prospective purchasers of Horizon from India, Lebanon, Belgium and Russia turned up and later this month I have someone visiting from Australia. At least I’m getting to meet some interesting people, even if one woman purloined a Russian edition of my Guide to Maldives and another took up two hours of my time and demonstrated her prowess at Karate on my veranda before deciding she wasn’t interested. Ah well…neither was I!
Beat regards

Royston Ellis
Sri Lanka

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hello Paula:I shall put you on the mailing list to receive my private newsletter every month as I know you like news of Sri Lanka!
Best wishes
1 April 2018
Dear Family & Friends
Historic Occasion

This photo, although blurred, records an historic occasion. It was Neel’s first evening out at a restaurant since his heart surgery. But the historical aspect is personified by the gentleman on my right in a red shirt: Dr Godfrey Walker. I met him in 1971 when I was carted off to hospital having inadvertently driven my Volkswagen estate car off a cliff in Dominica where I was then living.

Dr Walker saved my life by wrapping me in a plaster of Paris “Minerva” cast and forbidding movement for several weeks, as he realised I had broken my neck within the smallest fraction of being permanently paralysed. We kept in touch over the years as the good doctor worked in Nepal, Thailand, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland, eventually retiring to Hammersmith. He came here on holiday last month, met Neel brooding at home, and immediately prescribed an evening out.

Ollie gone.
If you used to receive my weekly newsletter, which I circulated to thousands of subscribers from 2010 to 2015 (back numbers are archived on my website), you may recall the arrival of Ollie, a female cat. She was born unexpectedly to a very young mother cat (Lena) in my attic.
Over the years, Ollie became enormous with a personality to match; like a loyal dog, suspicious when visitors arrived, sleeping at the foot of my bed, and joining me at the beach-view bar for sun-downers (fishy crackers for her) every evening.

She didn’t turn up on Saturday 4 March but I wasn’t concerned as I had seen an ambitious male cat lurking in the garden. She didn’t come home that night, nor the next. Kumara reassured me by saying she was probably “on honeymoon.”
I once had a cat that went AWOL for a week before returning very thin and bedraggled, apparently having been trapped in an abandoned house. However, I guess some other fate befell Ollie, perhaps death by snake or polecat, as she hasn’t returned. Lena, her mother, was very puzzled for the first few days and still seems to miss her, as do I.

Farewell Tim
Another of the lads from my generation whom I met in Rickmansworth 60 years ago has moved on. I was flattered to be asked to send the poem I wrote about him in 1960 (published in Rave and later Gone Man Squared)to be read at his Farewell.

Loving bold and be done with it –
Wash your hands afterwards, not before;
Dreaming brave and to hell with it –
Tossing and turning and kip where you can:
Shouting, spewing, drinking, moaning,
From here to New Zealand –
From port to clinic –
Watching the waves of his wives.

A Prince Visits
A prince dropped in for sun-downers last month. Prince Will, the son of King Leo of Redonda, was incognito during his private holiday visit to Sri Lanka. I invited him because, in 1960, his father’s predecessor, King Juan I of Redonda, made me Duke Gypino de Redonda for literary achievements. It’s an honorary title without ranking status but after nearly six decades I have become one of the few remaining members of the original Court of Redonda.

You will have to look hard on a map of the world to identify the Kingdom of Redonda; it’s part of the independent state of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean. It’s a rocky islet that is no more than one mile long by one third of a mile wide rising to a height of 971 feet. Christopher Columbus dubbed it Santa Maria de Redonda because of its round shape when he chanced upon it on 12 November 1493.
In 1865 the island was claimed by Matthew Dowdy Shiell, a prosperous trader from Montserrat. Shortly afterwards, Redonda was annexed by the British Government, so Britain could control the exploitation of its rich deposits of phosphates, and for nearly 50 years it had a population of contract miners. Although the island’s mining rights were administered by Antigua the legitimacy of Shiell’s title of Monarch of Redonda remained. In 1880, he abdicated so his son, who later became the prolific fantasy novelist, M P Shiel, could be crowned as King Felipe.
Shiel abdicated in favour of poet John Gawsworth who, in 1947, became King Juan I of Redonda. While there have been pretenders to the throne, the line from King Felipe to King Leo is well documented. The current king’s son is an epic double bass player in a heavy metal band and a keen landscape gardener. He was enchanted by Sri Lanka’s verdant scenery and looks forward to returning. Before he left, on behalf of King Leo, the Prince presented me with a gold ducal pin, commemorating my ennoblement to the original Court of Redonda 58 years ago. Floreat Redonda!

OK, so it’s April Fool’s Day but that’s all true.
Beat regards

Royston Ellis
Sri Lanka
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hallo Paula,

das freut mich aber sehr! Ich hab RE`s Newsletter immer gern gelesen und war traurig, als es hiess, er schreibt keine mehr. Umso schöner, hier wieder von ihm aktuell zu lesen.

Liebe Grüsse, Biggi
Adresse / E-Mail nach Rücksprache mit Paula / Royston Ellis entfernt. Kontakt ausschließlich über das Formular auf der Website :-)
Hier der neuste News Letter

1 June 2018
Dear Family & Friends:
Great acquaintances
It’s always fun to see old friends, and to enjoy the company of new ones. In 1983, I was in Mauritius researching for my paperback trilogy, The Fleshtraders, when I encountered a group of Indian navy cadets at a raunchy bar in Port Louis and they invited me to join them for a drink. Somehow, over the years, I managed to remain in touch with one of them – and he even helped me while I was touring India to write India By Rail.
He and his wife visited me at Horizon last year and his wife popped in to say hello again last month when she was on a four-day holiday in Sri Lanka with six of her friends from the gym she attends in Cochin. That’s how I found myself at Bentota’s “Surf” hotel with the bevy of beauties seen here.

Birthday plans
Next month (Tuesday 3 July) is the birthday of Neel, my colleague in Sri Lanka for 36 years, and we are planning to celebrate his successful quadruple bypass operation in style by flying to Bangkok for a holiday of seven nights.
Here is a montage of photographs taken by my AP photographer friend, Gemunu Amarasinghe, in 2016, when we were last in Bangkok for Neel’s birthday. The photo of me standing by a picture of myself, was taken in Bangkok’s legendary Mandarin Oriental Hotel, where my portrait hangs in the Authors’ Lounge.

Snake Oil?
Truffling the shelves of my local supermarket (owned and run by a friend who imports his stock from Europe as well as selling exotic local products) I discovered the enticingly named “Virega.” ( This consists of 30 capsules (at a cost of Rs375 [US$2.38; UK£1.78]) each capsule containing:
Indian Ginseng (Vitania sominifara)
Balloon Vine (Cordiospermum halicacabum) leaves and stem
Black Cummin (Nigella sativa) seed.

The combination is claimed to enhance nervous stimulation, improves aphrodisiac function and helps improve overall physical fitness. The company’s website claims that Black Seed has a history of 2,500 years. “This makes Black Seed one of the safest plant extracts for human consumption. Black Seed has the ability to increase the resistance of the human body, protecting it against various diseases. Clinical trials have shown that Black Seed Oil controls blood sugar and cholesterol apart from many other diseases and is considered to be one of the greatest healing herbs of all times.”
It sounds just what I need for visiting Bangkok!

First lesson
There is a charming tradition in Sri Lanka of children being given their first lesson by a respected elder family member or friend at the auspicious time on a day divined by an astrologer. So the daughter who will be three next month of my house manager, Kumara, had her first lesson (from her mother while her grandmother watched) on 24 May. Next year, she will be enrolled at the nearest Montessorri school, following in the steps of her brother, Sasindu (partly seen in the background).

For sale

After living in Horizon Cottage for 18 years, I have decided to sell it. My reasons are simple: I need to downsize to smaller and more practical accommodation. Of course, I shall miss the spacious lawns, the beach view bar for sun-downer cocktails, my attic studio and library and the veranda with its antique furniture.

Panoramic view of beach in front of Horizon Cottage

When I began my writing career upon leaving school in England 61 years ago, I vowed that I would limit my essential possessions to a manual typewriter, a pair of Levis and a dictionary. Yet somehow over the years I have collected so much stuff I now need to chuck it all out (via a Colombo auction house probably in August) to recapture the freedom (if not the physique!) of my youth. At least I no longer need to lug around a typewriter or a dictionary thanks to laptop, WiFi and Internet…and I have a new pair of Levis.
Until next month.
Beat regards
Royston Ellis
Horizon Cottage,
Kaikawala Road,
Induruwa 80510
Sri Lanka
auf dieser Veranda oder im Garten bin ich früher oft sehr schön im Horizon..
auf dem oberen Foto sieht man etwas vom Garten 2001..auf dem unteren den Bau der Veranda 2000

kann mir jemand das Bild drehen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
1 July 2018.
Dear Family & Friends:
Summer Holiday
Sunday 10 June was Sasindu’s ninth birthday and 11 June was Denuli’s third birthday and since they are the children of Kumara, my house manager for 20 years, what better excuse for a party? We chose the Riu Hotel on Sri Lanka’s west coast just five minutes by car from my home for a one-night summer holiday.

Riu is a huge place with 501 rooms and three swimming pools and a kids’ pool as well nightly shows and music for dancing. The main attraction (since I was paying) is that everything, absolutely everything including endless sparkling wine and even pastis, plus gargantuan buffets as well as a steakhouse, was included in the (off-season low) price. And it didn’t rain.

Publisher visits
Towards the end of last month, the founder of the now famous Bradt Guides, Hilary Bradt, visited Sri Lanka on a sponsored tour organised by a hotel group and stayed independently for three nights at Janu’s, a beach hotel near my cottage. Hilary commissioned my first guide book (on Mauritius) published in 1988. She then had the brilliant idea of commissioning me to write “India By Rail” which went to three editions and became her company’s premier best seller.
Hilary has retired now and throughout our 30-year association we met only a few times in England, so it was wonderful to entertain her and her colleague, Stella, who flew in from Australia. We had champagne and Kumara’s delicious garlic prawns and quail egg canapés in the Horizon garden, then lunch the next day at my favourite local restaurant, Pier 88.
Here is Hilary, Stella, me and Neel at Pier 88 by the river.

Rock ‘n’ roll
I read that Led Zeppelin, the band my protégé, Jimmy Page, created and which went on to rock’n’roll fame, is to publish a book celebrating its 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary. Jimmy backed me on guitar when I read my rock’n’roll poetry – Rocketry -- on stage (including a performance at London’s Mermaid Theatre) and on television with John Betjeman.

Both he and his singer, Robert Plant, the hairy one in this photograph, stayed in my cricket pavilion cottage in Dominica for a few days in the early 1970s and then flew me to the USA to tour with them when they performed in New Orleans and San Francisco. I hope they won’t tell anything about that trip in the book…
While searching the Internet for a clip of my performance with John Betjeman I discovered to my astonishment that the house where I grew up in Eastcote, Pinner, is featured (together with a blue plaque commemorating my residence there) on a recommended tour of London. See:

36 Deanecroft Road now

First willy
By one of those odd coincidences that make life so fascinating, the day after I found that website, I received this email: “In the 40s/50's I lived with three old ladies at 34 Deanecroft Road, Eastcote. You were the boy next door, and we often played together. You invented the most adventurous things, once you dressed me up as a ghost and told me to go and show myself to my granny. She dropped a dish of eggs in her fright!
“I remember my granny looking after you one evening and I accompanied her to No. 36 while your parents went out. While you were having your bath I ventured into the bathroom. Yours was the very first willy I ever saw! I knew you would "make good", and proud to have been your neighbour.”

Will he? won’t he?

Just back from a three-day trip to the Maldives to research for a booklet about a new resort property there. Unfortunately, although I managed to take photos I haven’t been able to download them to put in this email to display sun-kissed sandy beaches, a blue lagoon under a cloudless sky and swaying coconut palms. Anyway, it rained!
Tomorrow I fly to Bangkok with Neel to help him celebrate his birthday there on 3 July with great food, a lady-boy cabaret show, and shopping (at a huge Tesco’s supermarket)
More next month.
Beat regards
Royston Ellis
Horizon Cottage,
Kaikawala Road,
Induruwa 80510
Sri Lanka

Habe heute zwei Fotos von Royston bekommen von seiner Bangkok Reise


1 August 2018.
Dear Family & Friends:
Bamboozled in Bangkok
Last month began on an appropriately “high” note with a boozy flight to Bangkok on 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] July as we worked our way through the wines, port and XO cognac in Sri Lankan Airlines superb business class to celebrate Neel’s birthday and recovery from his heart operation. My famous photographer friend Gemunu entertained us to drinks and tapas at his apartment on arrival.

On Neel’s birthday he splurged on lunch for us both at Le Normandie, the double Michelin-starred Belle Époque restaurant at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

It was a lavish and formidable experience; splendour beyond imagination. River view table, soothing décor, intelligent service, and amazing food, especially one amuse bouche of a couple of oysters in a single shell lathered with wasabi mustard and crème fraiche. The three-course set lunch menu (succulent lamb, tantalising duck) was Thai Baht 1,800 (£42; US$55) but with two Kirs Royal, wine pairing (three glasses each), cheese platter, service charge and tax, the bill came to the equivalent of Kumara’s wages for the month. But it was a worthwhile antidote to Bangkok’s assembly-line new eateries and Thai saucy delights.

While at the Oriental, I went to the Authors’ Lounge to pay my respects to my photograph which hangs on the wall outside the Ladies’ Loo.

Gourmet Adventure
I was keen on trying different cuisines and Gemunu treated us to a different Thai meal from the usual soups, with an array of eight dishes of various flavours. We had a more conventional Thai lunch (meat slithers and rice) at Tesco’s huge supermarket food court, as well as delicious ceviche at Gemunu’s favourite bar, Above Eleven, where the pisco sour was better than I’ve ever had in Chile.

With Gemunu sampling pisco sours
Show Time
The Calypso Theatre at Asiatique is renowned for its cabaret featuring glamorous lady boys. This was not the usual tawdry drag or striptease show of the Patpong bars but a spectacular presentation worthy of Broadway with the lads outfitted in amazing costumes performing sophisticated dance routines with an engaging sense of humour.

They seemed thrilled to be hugged by Neel.
A Project
“A project” is how the team from the international estate agents Sothebys categorised my cottage last month, meaning it needs oodles of lolly to make it habitable by anyone other than an erstwhile beat poet. They suggested, with dour humour, describing it thus:
‘Horizon Cottage lies in a beautiful secluded location with sea views over the coastal road. The grounds of 126 perches are private with many enjoyable features such as a tree house (and a wall of wine bottles).
'The dwelling is a period cottage currently used as a writer’s retreat. The building will require substantial works to bring it up to contemporary standards and a buyer may wish to consider rebuild or renovation.’

Brief Book
In June I had a visit from Hilary Bradt, the now-retired publisher of my Bradt Guides (India by Rail, Mauritius, Maldives, Sri Lanka). She visited nearby Brief Garden, the former home of a distinguished Sri Lankan who created a combination of gardens in both European and tropical mode. She was thrilled to discover one of our books in the bungalow’s library.

Going going… gone?
When I was a teenage beat poet, I used to believe that the only possessions I needed as I travelled, were a portable typewriter and a dictionary, plus an ex-army haversack, a roll neck sweater and a pair of corduroy trousers. (I suppose now the equivalent travelling teenage writer only needs a smart phone and Levis.)
How I wish (60 years later) that I had maintained that minimalist policy regarding possessions. I spent much of last month wading through the clutter I have gathered over the decades, cataloguing possessions for sale by a Colombo auction house. It’s taking a long time as each item stirs a memory.

As well as Ceylon curios like 36 stirrup cups from the Grand Hotel, Nuwara Eliya, antique maps and railway cigarette cards, I found a cocktail stirrer from the long-gone Island House Hotel, Dominica. I’m also parting with my bar (an 18[SUP]th[/SUP] century baby cradle), a collection of brass bells and gongs and a 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century microscope slide of a section of a pearl from Ceylon. And the books…
More next month.
Have fun.
Royston Ellis
Horizon Cottage,
Kaikawala Road,
Induruwa 80510
Sri Lanka

Vielen Dank, Paula, dass du uns immer wieder Neuigkeiten von Royston Ellis übermittelst!
Sein Newsletter war immer eine enorme Bereicherung für unser Forum.

Dankeschön Claudia, leider schreibt er nur noch einmal im Monat...
1 September 2018.
Dear Family & Friends.
Gone Indeed
Last month I mentioned that I was cataloguing the contents of Horizon Cottage in preparation for selling all the items at an auction sale. On Monday 27 August a gang from the auction house descended on the property and swiftly dismantled furniture, packed up glasses, crockery and cutlery, and all the treasured memorabilia I had collected over 38 years residence in Sri Lanka.

The cottage is now empty apart from a bed and kitchen furnishings and equipment. What I miss most is not having drawers or cupboards; personal items and books have been stored in boxes and, of course, it’s impossible to find anything in a hurry. I expect to be camping out like this until the property is sold and I move to Neel’s villa close by. Friends have said how sad it must be to see everything go. Instead, I find it exhilarating and the sight of the cottage’s spacious interior no longer cluttered with mouldering furniture very liberating.

These 1920 silver badges of restaurant stewards at Nuwara Eliya’s Grand Hotel are some the items as well as furniture and antique maps and prints being auctioned on Saturday & Sunday 8 & 9 September. Details on

Party Time
My good friend, Mahesh, celebrated his birthday at Horizon on 26 August so in a way that was a farewell party – as we have no furniture to host another one. Neel acquired by nefarious means and presented Mahesh with two bottles of “Scotch” with the trade name Belton. No, I had never heard of it either and – the next day – rather wished I hadn’t as it floored all of us. I found three guests passed out on the floor the next morning and only a spicy Bloody Mary for breakfast helped me recover.

This photo shows the “bites” (as nibbles to have with drinks are called here). Left to right are dishes of porcupine curry (Mahesh is a hunter), fish balls, Kumara’s spicy roast chicken and local cheeses with a plate of boiled cassava (manioc) in the centre.

Quail disaster
For several years I have kept quails at home, not to eat but to enjoy their eggs. Last year we built what we thought was a secure cage for them after one batch of the birds was massacred overnight by, probably, a pole cat. My latest batch of some 20 birds gradually declined as some escaped and a couple died, probably of fright, when an iguana chewed a whole in the wire and got trapped inside.
When their number had reduced to 10, I was puzzled to note that some mornings yet another bird had disappeared. The cement floor of the cage had become covered with earth which, when we cleared it, revealed a large hole that must have been dug by rats tunnelling into the cage to dine off a bird. We removed the five surviving birds to a cardboard box in the garage while we put a layer of thick concrete on the floor of the cage.
Alas, however, before those birds could enjoy their refurbished home, they disappeared – a hole had been dug in the cardboard box and they either escaped or were kidnapped by a predator. I have ordered another flock of young quails to resume a ready supply of their eggs.

Peep into the past.
Two video clips have recently turned up on You Tube reminding me of my past. One shows me performing a poem “Gone Man Squared” (the title of my collection by Kick Books of the USA published in 2013 – available from ) at Battersea Town Hall, London, in 1959.

I was backed by The Shadows, Cliff Richard’s group who later became hit-paraders in their own right.

(Rehearse or Bust)
The other is a conversation about poetry between myself and John Betjeman recorded in 1961 and shows us both reading samples of our poetry. My reading is backed on guitar by (an off-camera) Jimmy Page, who later became a stalwart of the Yardbirds and founder of Led Zeppelin. You can see these clips if you go to and enter ROYSTON ELLIS in the search box.
Beat regards.


Royston Ellis
Horizon Cottage,
Kaikawala Road,
Induruwa 80510
Sri Lanka